Attome | Lawyer & Attorney Responsive WordPress Theme

1| Theme requirements

You need at least WordPress version 4.9+ installed for this theme to work properly. It is strongly recommended that you always use the latest stable version of Wordpress to ensure all known bugs and security issues are fixed. Other requirements:

  • PHP version 5.3 or greater. But for maximum speed, we recommend to use PHP version 7+.
  • MySQL version 5.0.15 or greater.
  • PHP version 5.3 and higher
  • memory_limit – 128M
  • max_execution_time – 300
  • max_input_time – 60
  • upload_max_filesize – 30M
  • max_input_vars – 3000
  • Make sure your server is set up properly and the theme and content will be loaded correctly. Enough server configuration will also ensure fast speed and increase performance.

2| Theme Installation

When you are ready to install a theme, you must first upload the theme files and then activate the theme itself. The theme files can be uploaded in two ways:

  • FTP Upload: Using your FTP client, upload the non-zipped theme folder into the /wp-content/themes/ folder on your server.
  • WordPress Upload: Navigate to Appearance -> Themes -> Add New -> Upload. Go to browse, and select the zipped theme folder. Hit "Install Now" and the theme will be uploaded and installed.

Once the theme is uploaded, you need to activate it. Go to Appearance -> Themes and activate your chosen theme.

After that you need to install and activate the following pre-packaged plugins:

  1. Attome Addones: Required and must install plugin.
  2. Revolution slider
  3. Wp Bakery: Recommended. Page builder plugin.
  4. Contact Form 7: Optional. Install if you want to use contact form.

N.B: All plugins must be installed and activated if you want your site to look exactly like demo.

To install these plugins, navigate to Appearance -> Install Plugins and start installation.

3| Importing Demo contents

Want to build your site like the demo? You can do it by only one click!

First please make sure that Attome Parent Theme is activated on your site.

From Admin menu, navigate to Appearance -> Attome Import Demo. Or alternatively, navigate to Plugins -> RT Demo Importer -> Install Demo Contents.

In this page, Click on the Install button for installing the demo.

It will take some time for importing the demo contents. Please note: Some images are replaced with a placeholder image because of licensing.

After importing demo data, please update your permalink. To update permalink, navigate to Settings -> Permalink and then click on Save Settings button.

If you face any issue, check the Troubleshooting div from here.

4.1| Sitewise Colors

From Admin menu, navigate to Attome Setting. Then go to Color Scheme tab.

Choose your preferred primary and secondary color from the color palette.

After changing the settings, Click on Save Changes button.

4.3| Preloader

From Admin menu, navigate to Attome Setting. Then go to General tab

Here you can find the option for enabling/disabling "Preloader", Preloader type image/css option. Also you can Ues Preloader Style & Preloader background Color. When uploading image, make sure it's a transparent GIF image.

After changing the settings, Click on Save Changes button.

4.4| Back to Top Arrow & Smooth Scroll

From Admin menu, navigate to Attome Setting. Then go to General tab

Here you can find the option for enabling/disabling "Back to Top Button" option. Choose your preferred option

After changing the settings, Click on Save Changes button.